January First Friday Pics – Who Was There!
September 2011 First Friday – Round 1: [fbAlbum]10150278098316975[/fbAlbum]
Whew…so many women….last round of pics until Sept First Friday. Thems is “Back to School” – Naughty or nice???? See you then and thanks for making the 100th First Friday rock! [fbAlbum]10150255843971975[/fbAlbum]
What a night and thanks to all our awesome DJ’s – Trina J, Shannon and Markie, our friends at Tracks and our Wicked Little Girls…love those dancers! [fbAlbum]10150255841181975[/fbAlbum]
2000 Buests attended First Friday for our 100th Celebration. Body Painting/Paparazzi and tons of gorgeous women and their guests partied at the largest monthly women’s party in the US! Thanks from Babes Around Denver ! [fbAlbum]10150255838311975[/fbAlbum]
More than 250 photos and 200 guests at First Friday. Thank you from Babes Around Denver [fbAlbum]10150255836191975[/fbAlbum]
First batch of Paparazzi Pics from First Friday. Huge thanks to Paparazzi in Denver and Pop Chips! [fbAlbum]10150255843971975[/fbAlbum]